Saturday, February 23, 2008

Joost Show to Watch: Star Trek

Wow, looks like CBS has posted all episodes of the original Star Trek on-line. You can view them on the page, but it is not full-screen. If you want the full screen goodness, you have to go to Joost. So, go to Joost and get your Trek on! Here is the link.

Live long and prosper!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Joost Show to Watch: Twilight Zone.

It seems that everyday Joost adds more and more content to their library. The latest show I noticed on there is the classic Twilight Zone episodes. They don't have them all, but there are quite a few. We just watched our own mini-marathon the other night with the classic "One Drink, One Bar of Gold".

I had thought I had seen them all, but it seems that there are still a few I did not recognize. One of the ones I really liked that I had not seen before was. "The Obsolete Man". I mean you can't really go wrong with Burgess Meredeth.

Anyway, check out the Twilight Zone on Joost for some good old fashioned entertainment.